Once we returned from our trip to Texas (which I still have to post some pictures), I had two goals that I watned to complete before the New Year. One was wean Cameron off his pacifier since he still took it during his naps and bedtime. The other was to potty-train before the baby arrives. I was feeling pretty confident that the timing was good since he would come to me and make gestures that he was 'potty-ing'. I had started back in September but he just cried and cried once I put his 'big boy pants' on him and would even cry after sitting a while on the potty. He was just not interested.
So, with
my mind made up- we started Monday morning. I think if you're going to attempt it, you have to be in the right mindset with
your mind totally made up that you're going to start and not stop until it's done!
However, I got up and we went thorugh the morning routine like we ususally do and then around 10am (after his morning "serious business") we got to training. I wanted to keep it as normal as possible so that it wouldn't scare or shock him. We had accidents and he cried and didn't want to sit for very long to begin with, but once we had as many books as I would allow in there, he started getting the hang of it. Once he knew that 'pee-pee' went in there and not in his pants he would just start crying when he had an accident. I felt so bad for him because he knew where he needed to be, but just didn't realize it until it was to late.
Tuesday went a little better and he was getting the hang of it more and more. I made a Potty-Chart for him so that once he went to the bathroom he got a Smiley-face sticker on his hand and on the chart. I honestly wasn't to concerned with him going poo in the potty since I have heard that some children just don't go at all for days and days, and I still put a diaper on him for naps and bedtime. I just thought he would go in there. To my surprise Tuesday night I caught him in 'action', and caught it just in time for him to go in the potty! Whew! I dodged that one! Ha ha. He cried because it scared him and it wasn't the normal for him. We all just clapped and made a huge deal of him going and once he went and was done he got a truck sticker for going poo. I thought I would make it just a little more special with having a truck sticker when he went poo instead of a smiley one.
Wednesday went about the same and Tuesday. Making more and more progress!
Today is Thursday and he still has on the same 'big boy pants' as we put on this morning, and I can confidently say that we are 85/90% trained! I am so proud of him and of myself for surviving 'The Adventure of Potty Training'!
Where we have spent lots of time this week :) |
"The Potty Chart" |
Cam showing me how many times he went potty and poo :)
Of course this brings joy to a Mommy's heart! |
If you have any questions please ask! This hasn't been as bad as I first thought but
it is up to you to be consistent and persistant! Of course your little one has to be ready, too.