Friday, July 19, 2013

A Zoo Day - Springfield, MO

This past Monday Justin had the day off, but needed to go pick up some tools
from a job site and then go bid another job. So, we made it a family day and went to
the Zoo! Cameron was so excited! He couldn't wait to see the
"I-ons" (Lions), and the "Draffe's" (Giraffe's).
By the time we left the house and got all the 'work' stuff behind us it was past Cameron's
normal nap time and he was just a bit cranky, unfortunately.
He did, however, warm up and start getting a little excited about looking at all of the animals.
These pictures are not in order, but here is our little venture to the Zoo.
They have wild Peacocks roaming around the whole place.
This one was showing off!

The male Tiger.

The pretty female Tiger.
Magnificent animals! Just beautiful!

This is how Landon enjoyed his first trip to the Zoo :)

Excited to ride the train. :)

Just a little peek while looking at the reptiles, yuck!

The Giraffes were a bit intimidating!

This is the "Draffe" that nibbled on Justin's sleeve
and Cameron thought it bit him. He burst into tears, completely terrified!
Poor guy, he wasn't as excited after that. After we got him calmed down
Justin told him that the Giraffe just licked him and that it was okay.
Cameron never said anything else about them that day, but the next morning woke up laughing
and making huge licking noises! He would laugh really hard making big licking noises saying
"Draffes ick, Daddy" and laugh! LOL.

All he talked about was seeing the "I-ons" but the lazy lions were sleeping
out of site of where Cam could see them.
However, the next morning while being his completely silly self he
would say that the "I-ons icked him too".. LOL.
The things this kid comes up with to say! LOL

Being brave.

The "Ittle one, Mama"
The baby Giraffe.

A mama peacock and her babies!

Feeding the fish.


His adorable excited little self!
The highlight of the whole zoo experience,
riding the little train. He wanted to make sure Landon
was going to get to ride too. He didn't want ot leave him out!
Sweet big brother!

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