My beautiful baby boy turned 6 months old on Sunday. I feel like the time has zipped past me while standing completely still. It seems like my family just came to visit, Cameron turned two years old and ten day's later I had Landon! My life has been so richly changed and blessed by my two little blessings. It is a change going from one child to two but we quickly adapted and fell into a new schedule.
I was getting dressed Saturday morning and Landon just sat up!
He is propping himself up and can't sit up for long without
falling over but he's sitting!
Cameron loves getting in our bed with Landon
and watching "T"(aka T.V.).
My beautiful 6 month old baby boy!
Love those eyes.
This picture captures his whole personality.
He is my lovey - very smiley - snuggly boy!
He has two teeth now!
Gotta love the slobbery face little boy!

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