Monday, February 2, 2015

A Thomley School Day

My sweet boy's have been working hard in their studies. Landon loves putting stickers on paper and coloring while Cameron does his book work.
This past week I introduced money to Cameron. He is learning to identify change, tell me the name of the coin, and how much its worth. Plus adding the change. We have just recently started working on addition but he has caught onto the concept very fast.
Using money flash cards to help him with his worksheet.

Santa brought Landon these stacking pegs for Christmas and right now he is loving to see how tall he can stack them. Later on I plan to use them with counting, and color recognition. For now, they are just used for fine motor skills.

Landon's "schooling" mostly consists of looking at books, coloring, and putting stickers on paper and using his stacking pegs. He is so sweet and will try his hardest to count but he can only say "one". He will put them all out and say "nun, nun, nun" while using his finger like Cameron does when he counts. I love watching how he catches onto everything Cameron is doing. I know he is learning a lot from watching Cameron.

One of his favorite books, "Muddy Paws".

I have had these pre-writing worksheets for a long time, but I still use them for fine motor skills with Cameron. It helps him with coordination, and learning to go from the left side of the page to the right.

Working Hard.
Every time he sees my camera now he says "Cheese!".
He was showing me his work here.
I am so thankful that my boy's love learning and have the right attitude towards it. If it isn't fun any longer, we stop and take a break. I never let it get to where they are frustrated or not enjoying it. Cameron and I are able to school about an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon while Landon naps. That allows me to work with Landon a little while - while Cameron does some work on his on. In the afternoon I am able to work one-on-one with Cameron on his reading, spelling words, or math. It just depends on what we have for that day. It may seem simple what he is doing, but he is only 3 and for him to sit still and absorb everything I am teaching just thrills me.
I am not sure how well you can see all of his writing, but he wrote all of the numbers by himself!
He also wrote his name, and words by himself in the picture below.
 One thing we work a lot on is penmanship.
 I want him to have nice handwriting and we practice A LOT!
It may be hard to tell here because I was running out of room, but his words last week were: Up, It, Me, To, We, and Is.


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