Thursday, June 13, 2013


I have been working with Cameron on his ABC's
 and I can not express how very proud I am of him.
We spend about 20 minutes each morning going over them.
That's about as long as he lasts.
I took construction paper and wrote a letter on
different color's. I wrote a capital and lowercase letter
on each one.

I will lay them all out and call out a letter
and he will go stand on the letter I call out.

I found some ABC flash cards and had him match
the "Big one" & the "lil' one" ...
He was so funny - the 'big A' has an alligator on the
back of the card and he had to get on the floor and act like
an alligator "roaring"? haha :)

I also saw these Mickey Mouse flash cards on some
blog last year, but they had stopped carrying them at Homedepot.
So, I made my own! He has to match each color and flash cards.
He does SO well!

"C - Mama"

Doing such a good job.

My very smart boy!
We are using the ABC Bible verse books to help
in recognizing letters. I love this book!
He has learn most of his letters from us reading a 'letter'
each night. I bought this from Amazon if you're interested.

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